Process of Making Gamelan

            Bali has a great diversity of gamelan instruments. The purpose of gamelan instruments are to serve religious belief, convoying dance, or wayang theaters. There is a place in Bali that  is famous by the production of gamelan, that is Tihingan village. In Tihingan village we can see the process of making Gamelan, and here are some steps how to make gamelan

The production of gamelan starts from smelting the materials. The materials are filigree or brass and lead. Then all of those materials are melted until become liquid and those liquids formed using printer or well-know as “laklakan”. 

The next process are:

This step aims to create the both slides of laklakan by using hammer

Ngesongin means create a hole on the gamelan, every gamelan filled two holes that the position is on the quarter point from the length

In this step, the craffsmen usually do the cleaning step, and rarefaction process on the sides while doing tone alignment by using hammer in this step, depend to the hearing sensitivity called “maguru kuping” that accompanied with the ability of feeling for the tone alignment

The Structure of Gamelan Representing The Structure
Balinese Village
A complete set of gambelan called one barung. It is consist of instruments which is representing the
traditional structure of Balinese village or oganization, such as : 

Trempong an Ugal
Trempong an Ugal, represent the leader of the village, it is means to handle the organization. As its function in gamelan music instruments to begin and end the song.
Kendang, represents the undersecretary who is firm and wise, because in gamelan music instrument Kendang could lead the songs an accompanied by the Trempong.
Gangsa, represents the family household who gave the village life by having kids, in gamelan music instrument Gangsa brings the rhythm of the song which the crucial part of the song.
Kantil, represents the member of the village and makes the village to be unique for its diversity, in gamelan music instrument Kantil makes the song more unique because it produced a little and sweet voices.
Penyacah, Jublag, Jegog
Penyacah, Jublag, and Jegog, represent the way of villageers make the people to come their village or how the villagers attract others to visit their village, in gamelan music instrument three of these instruments is for smoothing the song with echoes and the tone is so beautiful.
Riong, represents the youth organization of the village, in gamelan music instrument Riong brings the melody and giving up and down tone showing the psychology of youth itself.
Gong, Kempur, and Bende
Gong, kempur, and bende, represent the women in the village who participating in improving the village by conducting the ritual and ceremony in the village, in gamelan music instrument all of these three is the most important thing to start and end the song.
Kempluk, represents the adviser of the village, the one who makes sure that the village stays in a good way, in gamelan music instrument Kempluk as the one who determine the run of the song well.

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